Sunday 6 June 2010

Do it, Do it, Do it!

Was Martin Luther's advice to a young man seeking guidance on marriage. Rather intriguingly his answer to the young chap, incluided the line that "It is best to comply with all our senses as soon as possible and give ourselves to God's Word and work in whatever He wishes us to do." Wow - Embarking on Marriage as being an expression of God's Word and work! Can you imagine your local minister responding like this to a young man seeking counsel on whether to ask for a young maiden's hand in marriage? Well, if ever you need to urge someone (as I surely will be) here is the quote in full

"I fancy that human fear and timidity stand in your way. It is said that it takes a bold man to venture to take a wife. What you need above all else then, is to be encouraged, admonished, urged, incited, and made bold. Why should you delay, my dear and reverend sir, and continue to weigh the matter in your mind? It must, it should, and will happen in any case. Stop thinking about it and go to it right merrily. Your body demands it, God wills it, and drives you to it. There is nothing that you can do about it...It is best to comply with all our senses as soon as possible and give ourselves to God's Word and work in whatever He wishes us to do."

Let us not try to fly higher and be better than Abraham, David, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, and all the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, as well as many holy martyrs and bishops, all of whom knew that they were created by God as men, were not ashamed to be and be thought men, conducted themselves accordingly, and did not remain alone. Whoever is ashamed of marriage is also ashamed of being a man or being thought a man or else he thinks that he can make himself better than God made him.

Martin Luther’s letter to Wolfgang Reissenbusch, March 27, 1525, Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XVIII Philadelphia: Westminster Press

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