Wednesday 13 July 2011

Hacked off with ourselves

The furore about News International's widespread hacking and the accusation by the chattering classes of how depraved the NoTW et al are, has been rather telling. Let me pick two examples to illustrate the point. Last week, Hugh Grant was on Question Time, denouncing NI. He has subsequently taken on the mantle of spokesman against Murdoch's evil empire even filming a clip outside parliament. Isn't it a tad odd, that Hugh Grant, whose image has arisen not just from his acting, but also from his twilight trysts gets applauded for his concerns for faithful journalistic reporting? The second example comes from the Guardian newspaper (UK) which has taken on an active role in attacking NI and calling it to account. This is the same paper, which published the stolen Wikileaks cables last year all in the name of "public interest". Isn't there something absurdly dishonest about the Guardian's admonition? All this reminds me of that insightful comment by pogo:

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